Monday, April 23, 2018

~Discernment Among The Chaos~

   It is important in our present time and most definitely in our near and somewhat distant future that we are able to see through the lies and misinformation that have infested humanity for most of our existence. We have become so programmed to believe so called official narratives that many of us have forgotten how to read or make a fair assessment of any particular individual or collective message coming through the pipe of information.

"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought"

-George Orwell, 1984

   My grandfather always used to tell me "If it seems to good to be true, then it probably is to good to be true". Sound advice from a very wise man. However, I do believe in miracles and I do support love and light. This is where things get a bit tricky when we let our emotions take the wheel and we throw our logic in the back seat. Sometimes we can be charmed by energies or entities and sucked in to rabbit holes that we wouldn't usually ever care to dive in the first place.

Theresa Lepre, Norma Rasmussen, Tammy Wennerstrom, and I, Aaron Fowler, discuss discernment on our Youtube channel @Universal Light Pure Love Ministries here-

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Universal Light Pure Love Ministries

   With many still in a somewhat waking slumber and just coming to realize the power that they hold within themselves, they are starving for enlightenment. Sometimes because of this search for knowledge and being open to the All that is, we can be very vulnerable to those who don't have our best interests at heart.

   "Well, you know how it feels if you begin hoping for something that you want desperately badly; you almost fight against the hope because it is too good to be true; you've been disappointed so often before"

-C. S. Lewis

   Doing our own research, following our intuition, and observing are all great tools for discerning. We humans have a very unique ability to think, feel, and analyze any subject properly if we can allow time to observe it. I have fallen for traps many times in my own life but I consider them all to be very important lessons.

   Keep an open mind and heart, but always stay aware and alert. Fear is an illusion but danger is very real. Stay strong and keep sharing your love and light but don't be taken by just anyone who claims to be your one and only savior. There  are many of those ,including us as a whole, working together to create a better life for all of us.

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Unity Heals



   In all of my 43 years I have never experienced such ever changing energetic shifts. This spans from the micro to the macro in all aspects of our lives. Well, at least in my life. But I am seeing and feeling these shifts everywhere whether it be social, scientific, political, or our spiritual ways of thinking and understanding being challenged by newly discovered technology and eons old technology which we are relearning and utilizing today.

   In these highly intense times both good and bad I feel that it is important that we remain open to new or logical information and be willing to hold it as fact until proven other wise and allow ourselves to shed any harmful programming that we may have incurred along the way. We can only see the truth more clearly when we are able to see the many aspects of any one single issue. And when we hold beliefs that are harmful to others such as shaming or putting ourselves above someone else because they are a different race, religion, or ideology than us is very unproductive and down right ignorant.

    “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.” 
― Frank Zappa

  We must find ways to work together and coexist if we are going to make any positive and lasting change in this world. Our petty little dramatic bicker-fests do nothing more than keep us further divided. I truly believe that if we can stop hurting each other and have the courage to peer in to the darkness together, stop denying the real dangers humanity faces, it will enable us to formulate real solutions to better our systems and our way of life. If we can find a way to connect to each other and simply just converse on uncomfortable topics and issues eventually , and usually organically we come up with great concepts and ideas to fix or solve problems that we all face on a daily basis.